
1. The Waynet Security Scanner application analyzes the store connected to it by the Customer and indicates potential security gaps in the given store platform and modules in the store.

2. The owner of the application is Waynet Sp. z o.o., with its registered office at ul. Królowej Jadwigi 236, 31-218 Krakow, Poland. NIP number: 6762478648.

3. Waynet does not guarantee that the Customer's store connected to the application does not contain errors and security gaps that will not be detected by the Application. The application is based on publicly available databases, which may not contain all possible cases.

4. Waynet is not responsible for the operation of the Customer's store, detection of all errors and security gaps in the Customer's store and for the side effects of the module operation.


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Waynet Sp. z o.o.

ul. Królowej Jadwigi 236

30-218 Kraków

NIP: 6762478648

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